The powerful Thor Sg Anionic is an ironing center that tremendously facilitates the fight against wrinkles, since, in addition to having a ceramic sole with anionic technology that sanitizes fabrics, it uses steam to...
The efficient ROBOT Thor Dual T-BOT vacuum and mop enables you to join a growing group of people around the world who, like you, are discovering an easier way to clean their homes. It is ideal for vacuuming and...
Thanks to its soft ceramic soleplate and steam technology, the Thor SGX7 Autoclean Ironing Center allows you to quickly remove wrinkles from garments, curtains and other upholstery.
Unique 5-step water filtration system that purifies and improves the taste of your drinks. Removes chlorine, lime, herbicides, pesticides, lead, and heavy metals from water. Compatible with VAND filter jugs and the...